Get your free property valuation - today

Don't hesitate to use Dwela's free property valuation service, we'll help you value your property

Our sales service includes everything you need to sell your home including an advert on Rightmove to attract the right buyer

Online Estate Agent Dwela

Step one

You instruct us to sell your property, we offer sellers an affordable, fixed-fee package to sell their home, you will get our full estate agent service for £995

Sign up here on our site and sell for just £895, and there are no hidden costs and no commissions. You could save £1,000s selling with dwela versus typical agency fees.

Rightmove Online Estate Agent dwela Property


Free For Sale Board Online Estate Agent dwela PropertyOnline Estate Agent dwela PropertyOnline Estate Agent dwela PropertyOnline Estate Agent dwela Property


Step two

We visit you to erect a sale board, take photos and build floorplans.

A professional photographer and surveyor will visit your home to take great photographs, compile a floor plan and carry out an EPC.

Rightmove Online Estate Agent dwela Property

Online Estate Agent dwelaProperty

Step three

We market your home to millions.

We'll prepare your property advert for Rightmove. You will be able to review your property details before we publish your listing.

Your home will be advertised on the UK's biggest property website Rightmove and exposed to lots of local buyers on social media and it will be listed on

Online Estate Agent Dwela Sell Property on Rightmove